Monday, January 27, 2014

Al Jazeera: Son Saray Ressamı

Haydar Hatemi - Al Jazeera
 Interview by Bedia Ceylan Guzelce
Published by Al-Jazeera Turkey

 Bir Ortaçağ geleneğinin son temsilcilerinden Azeri asıllı Türk sanatçı Haydar Hatemi, saray ressamlığının inceliklerini Al Jazeera'ye anlattı.

Haydar Hatemi, Osmanlı ve İran sanatı üzerine eserler veren bir ressam. 1997 yılından bu yana Katar Kraliyet Ailesi’nin saray ressamlığını ve sanat danışmanlığını yapıyor. Orta Çağ’da başlayan saray ressamlığı geleneğini sürdüren son temsilcilerden biri. Ağırlıklı olarak Osmanlı sanatı üzerine çalışan Haydar Hatemi, Al Jazeera’ya verdiği özel röportajda, sanatını, yaşamını ve saray ressamlığının nasıl bir iş olduğunu anlattı.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Russell Simmons Teams Up With Rabbi Marc Schneier To Promote Cooperation Among Religions

Authored by Lachin Hatemi M.D.
Published by
The hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, a devoted Buddhist, and high profile Jewish Rabbi Marc Schneier had been working together to fight against bigotry and build bridges between religious communities, mostly between Muslims and Jews. Even Jay-Z joined the duo to spread their message of interfaith dialogue.
Russell Simmons and Rabbi Marc Schneier are the co-founders of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU), a New York-based organization dedicated to promote Muslim-Jewish relations around the world.
At a time of rampant Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, FFEU’s Twinning programs bring members of synagogues and mosques together every year to work on joint programs for the common good. Twinning events had been rapidly expanding to more than 100 locations in the USA and in 30 countries.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Albright-Knox Museum- Gem of Buffalo

Lachin Hatemi with Seymour Knox IV - In front of a Jackson Pollock masterpiece
Albright Knox has an impressive collection and Knox family has personal ties to many paintings on view at the Museum.

I had the privilege to see the artwork first hand with Mr. Seymour Knox IV.